Experiential trips

Original circuit that takes you between the city of Diego Suarez to Ankarana Park.
Immerse yourself in the villagers’ activities and habits
Through authentic encounters and wild nature, discover the real taste of adventure
A circuit that combines both: 4X4 comfortable and on foot.
Enjoy the country’s biodiversity through visits while supporting development actions.
Your simple visit contributes first to community development and the improvement of villager’s living.
The circuit “Made in Diego” has the particularity to make you discover impressive changes of landscapes and a awesome connection with wildlife and the populations.



Reception to Diego Suarez

We begin our journey by visiting the industries of Diego Suarez
The salt company of Madagascar, la pêche et froid de l’océan Indien
Lunch on the theme «COCO BETWEEN EARTH AND SEA»
Starter: Madagascar Tuna salad
Dish: Grill Gasy chicken + Fish kebab
Accompanied by rougail du Nord
Dessert: Seasonal fruit
Juice: STAR (Coca cola, panaché Malagasy, water, sparkling water)
Overnight in Diego Suarez


From Joffre Ville, a track leads you to Amber Mountain Park, which rises to 1475m. This Massif offers a humid
tropical climate and is home to a flora and fauna that are typical of the rainforests of Madagascar.
Several animal species may surprise you, among others, the crowned lemur; Along your hikes you could discover on
the ground, camouflaged among the foliage, the tuberous Brookesia, so small that it can fit into a thimble,
the red midge, the smallest primate in the world, the mammal carnivorous Fosa, butterflies, boas …
School visits in the afternoon


Each village has its specialty.
Immersion in the activities of the villagers departure at 6am from Joffre city.
One hour from Diego, visit the workshop of hand made brooms made in Madagascar in Bisokatra, learning and practice, from assembly to finishing.


Antsary and Coconut Juice 10 minutes from Besokatra, through the village of DARAINA you discover the method of conservation of lemon and mangoes to use it as an accompaniment to dishes.

DAY 04: Ankarana National Park

Tsingy has a cave that houses bats, also with stalactites and stalagmites.
In addition, there are various deciduous plants, unusually adaptable to drought plants that grow between and on the rocks.
Picnic lunch on site with a chance to see the lemurs. Starter: Vegetable salad
Dish: White rice and roasted mazava, accompanied by tomato rougail
Dessert: Madagascar chocolate banana
Afternoon, admire the sunset of Ambilomagodra
Overnight on Mahamasina in the local bungalows or BIVOUAC.

DAY 05: Red Tsingy & Sacred lake

Picnic lunch on the road to a unique place in the world
the red Tsingy, art of nature, the Red Tsingy is derived from frequent erosions, so interesting and unique.
Picnic, local bread sandwich, cassava, fried potato,
Dessert: Yogurt or local flan
Juice: Coco de Daraina
After the visit of the red Tsingy, return to your hotel in Diego Suarez
Overnight in Diego Suarez

DAY 06: Diego Suarez

Debriefing about the tour, transfer to the airport
End of our service

Tour Information

Diego Suarez, Joffre Ville, Tanambao ny Bisokatra, Daraina, Sadjoavato, Ankarana national par, Red tsingy & Sacred lake
Day Number